Transparency reports for April 2014
Hello! Here's April's transparency report. Sorry it's a bit late, we've been rather busy! This is the first month that we have been running ads on MediaCrush. You can read more about our choices here.
Interesting reports are shown in bold:
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Browser-and-OS.csv
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Browser-and-OS.pdf
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Overview.csv
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Overview.pdf
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Referral-Traffic.csv
- 2014-05-10-Analytics-Referral-Traffic.pdf
A copy of the financial report is shown here:
In the month of April, the following expenses were accrued:
- Hosting: $199.00
Total USD: $199.00
The following revenue was generated:
- Advertisements:
Project Wonderful: $18.82
- Coinbase: 0.00 BTC
- Dwolla: $0
- Flattr: €28.35
- Gittip: $26
The operating profit for Feburary is $-115.21
Cumulatively, over the lifetime of MediaCrush, the operating profit is $-2779.47
Thanks for flying MediaCrush!